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Spark Memory Overview and Troubleshooting

Spark Architecture

Apache Spark follows a driver/worker architecture. When a Spark application starts, the following flow executes:

  1. The driver loads the user program, instantiates a SparkContext
  2. The driver ask for resources from cluster manager to launch executors
  3. The cluster manager launches executors as requested
  4. The driver converts the user program into tasks
  5. The task are sent to executors
  6. Executors run the tasks and either:
    • Task succeeds and saves the results
    • The worker crashes and its tasks are sent to other executors
  7. Once SparkContext.stop() is called or if the driver exits/crashes, all the executors will be terminated and cluster manager releases the cluster resources

spark driver-executor

source: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/cluster-overview.html

One of the most common causes of worker crashes is OOM. What causes OOMs to occur? First we need to understand Spark executor memory structure. Note, in some cases it is possible for the driver to OOM as well, the following methods can also be applied.

Spark Executor Memory

spark executor memory

source: https://externaltable.blogspot.com/2020/08/apache-spark-30-memory-monitoring.html


Most Spark data including RDDs, broadcasts, stream data, operations (shuffle/joins/sorts/aggregations/etc.), task results, are stored as Blocks and can live on heap, off heap, or on disk. Blocks are managed by each node’s BlockManager class.

JVM Heap

Here is a breakdown of the memory areas on the JVM heap:

Memory Area Use case Size
Execution Used for shuffles, joins, sorts, and aggregations. Evicted after each operation. Metrics found Execution tab of SparkUI. Causes OOM if full spark.executor.memory * spark.memory.fraction * (1 - spark.memory.storageFraction)
Storage Used for cached partitions, broadcasts. Used in MEMORY_AND_DISK storage mode. Not used in DISK_ONLY mode. Spills to disk if full spark.executor.memory * spark.memory.fraction * spark.memory.storageFraction
User Used by user defined data structure. Spark will not account on whether this memory boundary is respected. Causes OOM if full spark.executor.memory * (1 - spark.memory.fraction)
Reserved Reserved for Spark system RESERVED_SYSTEM_MEMORY_BYTES


When OOMs occur in the JVM heap, they will be logged to the executor logs. Here are some common OOMs and how to mitigate them:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

  • If the OOM is gradual, you can monitor it in the Execution tab of SparkUI
  • You can enable a heap dump by -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp/[path] to the spark.executor.extraJavaOptions flag
  • You can diagnose a heap dump using profilers such as JProfiler, VisualVM, Eclipse MAT and look causes of large heap space usage

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

  • This is due to excessive thread allocation
  • To verify, you can:
    • Get the executor process id: ps aux | grep "executor-id"
    • Check the thread count: ps -p $EXECUTOR_ID -lfT | wc -l
  • You can use Spark UI or jstack to create a thread dump to check the cause
  • If the threads are managed by a thread pool, you may need to use a thread allocation profiler to capture thread allocation event

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

  • This is due to the garbage collector not being able to catch up with the object creation
  • A heap dump can help diagnose large heap space usage
  • You can try using G1GC with -XX:+UseG1GC and tune GC
  • It is possible that this is caused by excessive parallelism, you can:
    • Reduce concurrency, controlled by spark.executor.cores
    • Increase partition size, controlled by spark.shuffle.partitions
  • Tune data serialization

Off Heap

Here is a breakdown of the memory areas off heap:

Memory Area Use case Size
Overhead Used for OS filesystem cache, native workloads. Causes OOM if full spark.executor.memoryOverhead
OffHeap Used for off-heap workloads not managed by JVM GC spark.executor.offHeap.size

Off-heap errors are harder to diagnose, some common symptoms are:

  • JVM resident set size increases beyond Spark heap size (found in Spark UI) and reaches spark.executor.memoryOverhead
  • Nodes fail with Container killed on request. Exit code is 137
  • Host OS (Linux) may purge the process, logs may be found in /var/log/syslog
  • To diagnose, you can use a profiler for analyze off-heap memory such as jemalloc